Member Manufacturers

Xaloy streamlines quality management system with IIoT, funding through YBI

An intense, manual process for Xaloy in Austintown has been made easier with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) incorporated into its quality management system. Funding for the project was secured through the Youngstown Business Incubator.

Prior to the change, it was an Excel-based process. Now, everything is electronic and stored in one location on Xaloy’s server.

“Overall, there was no system in place. Bits and pieces were all over the system. The software now provides structure and accountability,” said Ron Seifert, director of quality, Xaloy.

The system tracks things like internal/external complaints, gauge calibration, in-process inspection, quality inspection, internal audits and more.

“Email notifications are sent when something comes in. It then requires the recipient to acknowledge it, and notifications are sent for each step,” he said.

Seifert noted most of the applications have been launched, and the final ones are expected in the third or fourth quarter of 2024.

Project application process

He said working with YBI was smooth from start to finish.

“After I researched the program, we did a submittal to justify why we should be considered. After a couple of tweaks, we were approved. It went quickly.”

Seifert could not emphasize enough how helpful YBI was with communication and support through the process.

“I have nothing but great things to say about Daniel Longo and YBI.”

Through the YBI’s program, companies looking to implement Industry 4.0 or IIoT were eligible to be reimbursed up to $15,000 toward the cost of the project.

“This was a grant opportunity for what the company needed, and it was a good fit,” Seifert said.

He encourages manufacturers to step out of the box when it comes to implementing new technology.

“It’s provided great structure. Improved technology not only benefits us – but also the county, city and state. When you find a better way to do things, it saves time, money and jobs.”