Member Manufacturers

New member spotlight: Cubbison Company

Since 1951, Cubbison Company has been offering nameplates, labels, overlays and signage for industrial and commercial applications across the globe. Its 30,000 square-foot facility is located on Victoria Road in Youngstown.

The top customers served are original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) but also include military/defense, transportation, aerospace, medical, oil and gas, and agriculture. There are currently about 70 employees at Cubbison.

Chief Operations Officer JC Kocjancic says the company is fortunate to have a long-standing workforce and isn’t dealing with shortages or turnover. He’s been with the company for 14 years.

“It hasn’t been as bad for us as other places have experienced. We’ve been able to attract good employees even when we do lose people,” Kocjancic said.

Importance of MVMC membership

Kocjancic also ran Cubbison’s sister company, Drake Industries, in Austin, Texas for more than three years. That’s where he recognized the importance of interconnectedness among businesses.

“I learned a lot about the manufacturing industry through Drake and realized there were organizations like MVMC out there.”

Kocjancic knew about MVMC for a while before joining. He believes the company’s good culture and reputation helps with employee retention, but it never hurts to be part of a manufacturing-focused organization.

“We get to talk with the right people, make connections that will help us with the customer side, vendor side and anything else we may need.”

Products and technological advancements

Cubbison’s metal nameplates, labels and overlays have been primary staples for years. The company has also grown its capabilities to match the changing technology.

Barcodes for nameplates and label designs help with product tracking and asset management needs. In addition, the company offers user interface products like membrane switches, sensors and touch technologies that incorporate the Internet of Things (IoT) and Manufacturing 4.0.

Kocjancic says the type of material used for a product and how it’s made comes down to what’s most efficient and cost-effective for the customer.

“There are variations of nameplates and labels. In the printing process, you might need UV or chemical resistance, or the product might be subject to corrosive environments. There are also different adhesives that depend on surface requirements. The longevity of products is paramount to a lot of our industrial customers.”

A new age in printing

Kocjancic adds that Cubbison has come a long way from decades ago.

“A lot of people usually think large equipment. We’ve transitioned from old school ways. We have high-speed digital printers now. They’re fun to run. It’s not a tedious process anymore, and it’s more efficient.”

That includes a printing press and converting equipment installed at the end of 2022. It can handle large-volume orders and makes the printing process faster and much more efficient.

Even with a growing business and a loyal workforce, Kocjancic wants to remain prepared to handle whatever curves might come down the line.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next 15 years, but having the outreach to MVMC is a good thing,” he said.